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Until The End Of The Day, 2017

Installation in black room, 

Acrylic on canvas; 4 x 12 m, black light,

3 channels HD video, sound, color,

Duration 10min 18sec, loop

Dimension Variables



“Until the End of the Day” is a reinterpretation of the scenic design process in the Li-Ke performance (Thai musical folk drama), highlighting the throne room scene which is a unique feature in Li-Ke dance. Aimed to shift the audience’s perception through the changing display from a blank canvas to a complete throne scene, the work pays particular attention on the depth perception of the eye’s viewpoint which is the unique characteristic found in the throne room.


The complicated and intrigued dimensions of the throne hall stems from one focal point of view. Meanwhile, the two-dimensional usable areas, such as doors, windows, and walkways embed in the work also hold an implication to the scene space.


Which these various elements.Considered to be involved in the creation of the "power" design through Li-Ke(musical folk drama) scene. 

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